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2010 Mazda 3 Wiring Diagram

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How to Install a Trailer Wiring Harness on a 2010 Mazda 3

Today on this 2010 Mazda 3, we're going to install part number 118420 from Tow Ready. This is the T-One Vehicle Wiring Harness with a 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector. To install our wire harness, we need to get inside the trunk. We open up the trunk lid and we need to remove some interior panels to get your wiring behind the taillights. We'll start with the floor covering and get it out of the way. All right, two holders will come out there easy enough, so I'm also take them out.

Let's go ahead and remove our thresholds here. There are some plastic rivets that we have to remove. We'll need a really small screwdriver to catch the edge and pop them loose. One here and one up towards the corner, over the top. We're using a small screwdriver to pull up the center and the rest of the rivet will come out. It looks like grab it by the edge here in a steady pressure pulling up, we'll start it loose.

Nice. Now, we still need to get behind our panel here, let's go ahead and loosen up 2 more plastic rivets. We're done for our passenger side, let's do the same thing on driver side. Now we got access to our wiring harness that we need. Let's go ahead and lay out our wire harness that we're going to install.

Our T-connector with the green wire, we're going to route over to our passenger side. Our yellow wire and red wire are going to go over to our driver side. Let's go and disconnect one of the wire harnesses going to our taillight on our car. We'll push down on the tab and pull it out. This is going with the T-connector know the exact copy of our connection point and we can actually show you with this where the tab is. OK.

This is going to fit between the wire harness and taillight. We'll push the ends together until they snap. Let's go to our other connector with the yellow connection point. We will install our T-connector with the red wire. Let's go ahead and take a moment and find a location to attach our converter box. They has an adhesive on one side that we can use to attach different sheet metal on the inside. I think we'll go ahead and clean up the sheet metal on top light here on the driver side, we'll attach it there. I'm just going to use some rubbing alcohol. With that secure, we'll go ahead and find a nice location for our white wire to attach to the ground. I can do it where the steel overlaps itself, so I think I'm going to use this location right here. We'll go ahead and take our 4-pole wire harness and we're just going to lay it inside by the spare tire for now. At this point, we can go ahead and reinstall all the panels. We'll go ahead and zip tie our extra green wire to take up the slack. The kit comes with 2 zip, so you may want to get some more. We'll go ahead across the tails and go ahead for our threshold back into place. We're going to line up, there's 2 tabs with the line up here, inaudible 00:04:30 just push straight down. We go ahead and put the rest of our plastic rivets. We can actually hide it in this compartment here. There we go. We'll take that hanging out for now and we put our floor covering back into place. Our covering is installed, let's go ahead and show you how to use the wire harness. With everything back together, let's go ahead and try it out. We'll take a light tester and ground it to our white wire. It's a good idea to try it out before you try it on the trailer, to verify it's working. Then we'll test the brown wire for running light circuit, and then yellow for our left turn signal, green for our right turn signal, and then our brake signal will be a constant signal on the yellow and green wires. All right. Looks like everything is working. Now we'll go ahead and show you how to use it. We'll go ahead and pull out our wire harness from our storage compartment and we'll go ahead and shut the hatch on it. If the door feels thick or won't hurt anything when you shut the lid on it. Don't put it by the latch because that will smash the wire, cause it to short and you'll be starting all over. We shut the hatch, we pull out all we need to reach our hitch. This way it's safe and secure when it's not being used and won't be exposed to the elements. With that, that will finish the car install of part number 118420 from Tow Ready, the T-One Vehicle Wiring Harness with a 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector on our 2010 Mazda 3. .


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